Episode 07 | John Tarwater
He has a heart for the Lord.
Proverbs 16:9 should be Dr. John Tarwater’s life verse. At every juncture of his life, Dr. Tarwater has put together a plan, but God had a greater purpose in mind. From leaving his professorship at a North Carolina seminary to a real estate startup in Tennessee that allowed him to live closer to his parents when his mom was ill, from continuing education credit as a certified public accountant turning into a Ph.D. in finance, to his son’s pursuit of a college experience where he could grow in Christ leading Dr. Tarwater from the missions field in Costa Rica to his current role as Assistant Professor of Finance at Cedarville. A heart inclined to the Lord will find its way; that’s what Dr. Tarwater has discovered.
In addition to his Ph.D. in finance, Dr. Tarwater has a Ph.D. in theology and ethics and has written scholarly works on business, Scripture, marriage, and ethics.
Dr. Tarwater came to Cedarville from Rio Grande Bible Ministries and El Seminario Bíblico Rio Grande in McAllen, Texas, where he served as vice president and engaged firsthand in the immigration crisis.